Tag: brain

10 Seizure Symptoms

Advertisement Seizures are caused by abnormal electrical activity temporarily affecting the brain. When people picture...

10 Viral Meningitis Symptoms

Advertisement Viral meningitis is a condition in which the protective tissue covering the brain and...

What Is Tay-Sachs Disease?

Advertisement Tay-Sachs disease is a rare disorder that is inherited from two parents who have...

What Is Viral Meningitis?

Advertisement Although many people respond with feelings of alarm or dread when they hear about...

What Are Seizures?

Advertisement People with epilepsy or frequent seizures may be young, old, disabled, or otherwise healthy....

What Is Rabies?

Advertisement There are numerous different diseases that can affect people. Most of them are only...

What Is Encephalitis?

Advertisement The terms meningitis and encephalitis are often confused. While meningitis irritates and causes swelling...

What Is a Brain Aneurysm?

Advertisement Our blood vessels have walls that are strong enough to handle the pressure inside...

What Is Meningitis?

Advertisement Our brain and spinal cords are protected by a membrane known as the meninges....

What Is CJD?

Advertisement A lot of people will find that their brains begin to lose function as...

What Is Viral Encephalitis?

Advertisement Our brains have excellent physical protection thanks to our thick skulls. In addition, they...

What Is Serotonin Syndrome?

Advertisement Our bodies rely on various chemicals that help to keep our bodies functioning smoothly....

What Is Encephalopathy?

Advertisement The brain is a complicated organ that is susceptible to certain disorders and diseases....

What Is Neurocysticercosis?

Advertisement Discover how millions of individuals around the world are affected by neurocysticercosis. This parasitic...

10 Side Effects of CT Scans

Advertisement A computed tomography (CT) scan uses a combination of computer-processed X-ray measurements that have...

10 Side Effects of CT Scans

Advertisement A computed tomography (CT) scan uses a combination of computer-processed X-ray measurements that have...

10 Causes of Stroke

Advertisement Medical statistics show that stroke is one of the leading causes of death in...

10 Glioblastoma Symptoms

Advertisement Glioblastoma multiform, also referred to as GBM or simply glioblastoma, is a particular type...

10 Stroke Symptoms

Advertisement A stroke is basically when the blood flow to a part of the brain...

10 Serotonin Syndrome Symptoms

Advertisement Serotonin, along with acetylcholine, GABA, and dopamine, is one of the four main neurotransmitters...

10 Low Dopamine Symptoms

Advertisement Dopamine is an organic chemical that functions as both a neurotransmitter and hormone. It...

10 Low Cortisol Symptoms

Advertisement Cortisol is a hormone in the body that helps in the regulation of various...

10 Common Types of Headaches

Advertisement According to the World Health Organization, headaches affect half of the world’s adult population...

10 Aneurysm Symptoms

Advertisement A brain aneurysm is the bulging of a blood vessel in the brain due...

10 Ataxia Symptoms

Advertisement Ataxia is a term for a group of nervous system disorders that affect coordination...

10 Apraxia Symptoms

Advertisement Apraxia is a motor disorder that occurs when there is damage to the brain,...

10 Common Brain Diseases

Advertisement Our brain is a very impressive organ. It has helped us to become the...

10 Meningioma Symptoms

Advertisement Meningioma is the most common type of brain tumor which develops from the meninges,...

10 Symptoms of Encephalitis

Advertisement Our brains are constantly at work every single day. They help coordinate us, they...

10 Brain Aneurysm Symptoms

Advertisement A brain aneurysm is also referred to as an intracranial or cerebral aneurysm. It...

10 Brain Tumor Symptoms

Advertisement A brain tumor is a term being used to describe a mass of abnormal...

10 Symptoms of Meningitis

Advertisement Meningitis is a rare disease that affects the meninges; the protective tissues and fluids...

10 Signs of a Stroke

Advertisement Our brains are constantly busy and require a lot of oxygen and other nutrients...

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