10 Fluid In Lungs Symptoms
Advertisement Fluid in the lungs, or pulmonary edema, is a condition in which the air...
04 Feb, 2023Advertisement Fluid in the lungs, or pulmonary edema, is a condition in which the air...
04 Feb, 2023Advertisement Pulmonary fibrosis occurs when the lung tissue becomes scarred and damaged. This results in...
27 Jan, 2023Advertisement Asthma is a chronic condition that impacts the respiratory system. It is characterized by...
10 Apr, 2022Advertisement In your lungs are small passageways called bronchi that allow for air to flow...
26 Dec, 2020Advertisement Upper respiratory infections are a set of common illnesses that impact the upper tract...
26 Nov, 2020Advertisement As animals that take our oxygen from the air, we are reliant on our...
02 Nov, 2020Advertisement No one likes having a fever and a persistent cough. If you are suffering...
28 Oct, 2020Advertisement Lung cancer is a particularly prevalent form of cancer in the United States. As...
28 Oct, 2020Advertisement It is very important to keep our lungs and the rest of our respiratory...
28 Aug, 2020Advertisement The walls of our lungs are very important in that they allow oxygen to...
30 Jul, 2020Advertisement You can think of our lungs as a type of bag that inflates and...
29 Jul, 2020Advertisement Our hearts are always pumping; ensuring that oxygen is carried throughout the body. Oxygen...
29 Jul, 2020Advertisement The pulmonary arteries carry deoxygenated blood away from your heart to the lungs. Oxygen...
21 Jul, 2020Advertisement We are breathing air in and out all of the time, but the air...
15 Jun, 2020Advertisement When we inhale air, oxygen is absorbed from the air in our lungs and...
15 Jun, 2020Advertisement Whooping cough can be quite a dramatic illness. It tends to affect infants, which...
11 Jun, 2020Advertisement Collapsed lung, also called pneumothorax, occurs when air fills the pleural space that surrounds...
05 Jun, 2020Advertisement Walking pneumonia is also known as atypical pneumonia. It is known as atypical pneumonia...
12 Mar, 2020Advertisement Pneumonia is a condition where there is inflammation in the lungs affecting the alveoli....
11 Mar, 2020Advertisement Pulmonary embolism occurs when a blood clot becomes lodged or stuck in an artery...
09 Mar, 2020Advertisement Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchial tubes. These are the airways that carry...
06 Mar, 2020Advertisement Bronchitis is a condition where there is inflammation of the air passages extending from...
30 Jan, 2020Advertisement As with our other essential organs, our lungs are hard at work every single...
07 Jan, 2020Advertisement Asthma is a chronic condition where there is inflammation of the airways. Individuals with...
30 Aug, 2019Advertisement When we inhale, air travels from our mouths to our lungs via airways that...
27 Aug, 2019Advertisement An upper respiratory infection is perhaps one of the most common illnesses of all...
15 Aug, 2019Advertisement Pneumonia is an infection that affects the lungs. The condition leads to an inflammation...
06 Aug, 2019Advertisement A blood clot in the lung, or pulmonary embolism, refers to the obstruction of...
29 Jul, 2019Advertisement Rib pain can be dull, achy, sharp, and can have various causes. It is...
23 Jul, 2019Advertisement The lungs can be considered to be two inflatable bags side by side. Our...
15 Jul, 2019Advertisement Within our respiratory system, the airways are branch-like tubes that run through each one...
26 Jun, 2019Advertisement Pneumonia is a potentially serious infection of the lungs. It directly affects the alveoli,...
19 May, 2019Advertisement Emphysema is a serious and chronic lung condition in which the air sacs in...
09 Feb, 2019Advertisement Pulmonary edema is a condition characterized by a fluid build-up in the lungs making...
07 Feb, 2019Advertisement Lung cancer or lung carcinoma occurs when there is malignant cell growth in the...
04 Nov, 2018Advertisement Mold is a type of fungi that is generally found in warm, damp environments....
31 Oct, 2018Advertisement Walking pneumonia is the common non-medical name for atypical pneumonia. It comes from the...
30 Sep, 2018Advertisement Valley fever is caused by an infection from a fungus known as Coccidiodes Immitis...
17 Sep, 2018Advertisement Whooping cough is characterized by intense fits of coughing punctuated by “whooping” sounds that...
21 Aug, 2018Advertisement Pneumonia is a very common disease that can strike any kind of individual no...
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