10 Moyamoya Symptoms
Advertisement Moyamoya disease, commonly referred to as moyamoya, is a vascular disorder in which blood...
10 Apr, 2023Advertisement Moyamoya disease, commonly referred to as moyamoya, is a vascular disorder in which blood...
10 Apr, 2023Advertisement Pulmonary fibrosis occurs when the lung tissue becomes scarred and damaged. This results in...
27 Jan, 2023Advertisement Cor pulmonale is a condition where the right side of the heart doesn't work...
10 Dec, 2022Advertisement Avascular necrosis, or AVN, is a condition in which a bone, particularly in a...
08 Nov, 2022Advertisement Angina pectoris is also known as stable angina. If the heart muscle does not...
17 Sep, 2022Advertisement Cardiomegaly is the medical term for an enlarged heart. It usually occurs when their...
12 Aug, 2022Advertisement Clogged arteries, also known as atherosclerosis, cause nearly 450,000 deaths per year in America...
13 Jun, 2022Advertisement Atrial fibrillation, known as AFib, occurs when the heart's upper chambers, called atria, beat...
19 Nov, 2021Advertisement Orthopnea is a shortness of breath that occurs when an individual lies down. It's...
22 Sep, 2021Advertisement Ischemia, also called myocardial ischemia, occurs when the blood flow to the heart is...
14 Sep, 2021Advertisement Cor pulmonale is an enlargement of the heart’s right ventricle due to abnormally high...
16 Mar, 2021Advertisement A normal heart is surrounded by a sac called the pericardium, which consists of...
14 Mar, 2021Advertisement Cardiomegaly isn’t a disease, but rather a medical term that refers to an enlarged...
12 Mar, 2021Advertisement Strokes are one of the top causes of death in the United States, and...
11 Feb, 2021Advertisement Mitral valve prolapse is a heart condition that can range in severity from mild...
01 Feb, 2021Advertisement Our blood is pumped throughout our body with help from a specialized organic pump....
06 Jan, 2021Advertisement The pericardium is a flexible two-layer membrane that surrounds the heart. There is a...
07 Dec, 2020Advertisement One of the biggest killers of people is problems with the heart. Our heart...
16 Nov, 2020Advertisement Arteries are organic tubes that help to transport oxygen and molecules around the body...
25 Oct, 2020Advertisement Blood is passing through our hearts all day, every day. Within the blood is...
28 Sep, 2020Advertisement Our blood is essential to us. It is a fluid that allows essential resources...
10 Sep, 2020Advertisement If our heart was to develop a problem then it can mean that we...
20 Aug, 2020Advertisement Our hearts are always pumping; ensuring that oxygen is carried throughout the body. Oxygen...
29 Jul, 2020Advertisement The pulmonary arteries carry deoxygenated blood away from your heart to the lungs. Oxygen...
21 Jul, 2020Advertisement If our hearts were to stop working completely then we would only have a...
17 Jul, 2020Advertisement Our cardiovascular systems help to ensure that all of our body is supplied with...
17 Jul, 2020Advertisement Our hearts are one of our most valuable organs in that, without them, we...
12 Jul, 2020Advertisement AFIB, or atrial fibrillation, is a condition in which an irregular heartbeat interrupts blood...
07 Jun, 2020Advertisement Our heart muscles are stimulated by electrical impulses. These impulses cause the muscles to...
28 May, 2020Advertisement Our heart beats rhythmically. This is important because it helps to ensure a steady...
27 May, 2020Advertisement Problems with the heart are something that should be taken very seriously indeed. Problems...
25 May, 2020Advertisement Pericarditis is a condition where the fibrous sac that surrounds the heart (pericardium) becomes...
12 May, 2020Advertisement Ischemia is a term that describes restriction of blood supply to tissues resulting in...
19 Mar, 2020Advertisement Pulmonary embolism occurs when a blood clot becomes lodged or stuck in an artery...
09 Mar, 2020Advertisement Some of our organs are more or less important than others. Some we can...
13 Jan, 2020Advertisement As the heart is hard at work pumping freshly oxygenated blood around the body,...
08 Jan, 2020Advertisement The inside of our heart has a lining known as the endocardium. Pathogens are...
05 Dec, 2019Advertisement If you’ve ever experienced a fluttering in your chest followed by a skipped heartbeat,...
03 Sep, 2019Advertisement Irregular heart beats develop when the heart beats too fast, too slow or skips...
02 Sep, 2019Advertisement An aneurysm is a part of a blood vessel that weakens and swells like...
24 Aug, 2019Advertisement A heart attack is a serious and life-threatening condition that requires urgent medical care....
13 Aug, 2019Advertisement A broken heart is more than just about feeling down because you’ve been hurt...
05 Aug, 2019Advertisement POTS, or Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, is a disorder of the blood flow. It...
30 Jul, 2019Advertisement An enlarged heart, also called cardiomegaly, is a condition caused by an underlying disorder...
19 Jul, 2019Advertisement Heart pain or chest pain refers to pain that occurs in the region of...
14 Jul, 2019Advertisement Coronary artery disease is also known as ischemic heart disease, the most common of...
10 Feb, 2019Advertisement Myocarditis is a condition where there is inflammation of the heart muscle. It is...
20 Oct, 2018Advertisement All day, every day, our hearts are pumping blood around our bodies to provide...
22 Sep, 2018Advertisement A heart murmur is caused by turbulent blood flow, and it’s more often than...
21 Sep, 2018Advertisement A heart attack and heart failure are very similar events, and often directly connected,...
20 Sep, 2018Advertisement The proper functioning of all our organs are important to our continued health, but...
19 Sep, 2018Advertisement A heart attack is known medically as a myocardial infarction. It occurs when blood...
06 Sep, 2018Advertisement A heart attack, or a myocardial infarction, is a condition where blood stops flowing...
05 Sep, 2018Advertisement The mitral valve is a bicuspid valve in the left side of the heart....
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