10 Omega 3 Rich Foods

By tallene
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
Article Sources Article Sources
Medical Expert Medical Expert

Omega 3 Rich Food #5: Salmon

Salmon is the second fish to make the list. Full of EPA and DHA, 100 grams of Atlantic Salmon has somewhere between 1.2 grams and 2.5 grams of the good stuff. The omega 3 content varies depending on if the fish is farmed or wild-caught, with farmed Atlantic salmon being the richest in omega 3.

Studies show that people who eat salmon regularly have a lower risk for many chronic diseases. This is due to salmon’s high-quality protein content and nutrient-density, Other nutrients found in salmon are vitamin B12, vitamin B6, and potassium. Vitamin B12 is necessary for red blood cell formation, metabolism, neurological function, and DNA synthesis.

Omega 3 Rich

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