Melena Stool Definition, Causes and More
Advertisement When there's a change in bowel habits and a noticeable difference in stools, it...
12 Dec, 2022Advertisement When there's a change in bowel habits and a noticeable difference in stools, it...
12 Dec, 2022Advertisement Giardiasis is a condition caused by a microscopic parasite called Giardia lamblia. Giardiasis lives...
30 Nov, 2022Advertisement People are prone to developing all sorts of ailments. Sometimes this is down to...
03 Jan, 2021Advertisement Having a sick child can be quite scary. This is especially true when your...
30 Dec, 2020Advertisement Any fluids that we swallow are gradually absorbed by our digestive system, while fluids...
22 Dec, 2020Advertisement Viruses are not classified as living things by many experts. They are little more...
22 Oct, 2020Advertisement It is not uncommon for people to fall ill when they are travelling. There...
14 Oct, 2020Advertisement Normal human stool is excreted in a variety of colors, most of which can...
18 Sep, 2020Advertisement Between the stomach and the colon lies the small intestine. It is so called...
19 Aug, 2020Advertisement No matter where we are in the world, it is important to ensure that...
06 Jul, 2020Advertisement Despite advances in medicine, we are not yet at a stage where we are...
30 May, 2020Advertisement C. diff infection is an infection caused by the bacterium Clostridioides difficile. This bacteria...
16 May, 2020Advertisement Diarrhea occurs when there is three or more loose stools a day. This means...
16 May, 2020Advertisement C. diff (Clostridium difficile) is a Gram-positive bacterium that forms spores. It is an...
20 Mar, 2020Advertisement Giardia is an infection caused by the tiny parasite Giardia lamblia, which infects the...
29 Nov, 2019Advertisement The full name for the bacterium C. diff is Clostridium difficile. The bacterium infects...
18 Nov, 2019Advertisement Diarrhea occurs when one experiences three or more bowel movements that are watery, liquid,...
11 Nov, 2019Advertisement Studies have estimated that the average person produces about 0.6 to 1.8 liters of...
07 Nov, 2019Advertisement Urine is made as our kidneys filter toxins and other impurities from our blood....
25 Oct, 2019Advertisement Gastroenteritis, more commonly referred to as stomach flu or sometimes simply flu, is a...
15 Aug, 2019Advertisement Gas, often called flatulence, is linked to the foods we eat. For instance, certain...
09 Aug, 2019Advertisement Stomach virus and stomach flu are common names that describe the medical condition known...
05 Aug, 2019Advertisement The rotavirus is so called because of its round appearance when it was first...
02 Aug, 2019Advertisement The food that we eat goes down into the digestive system where it meets...
11 Jul, 2019Advertisement Laxatives are substances that increase bowel movements and loosen stools. They are often used...
07 Jul, 2019Advertisement Constipation happens to everyone at some point and it can recur. Some people even...
26 Jun, 2019Advertisement The food that we eat takes a while to pass all the way through...
23 Jun, 2019Advertisement Diuretics are a class of medications that promote the production of urine. There are...
16 Jun, 2019Advertisement Constipation occurs when the bowel movements are hard to pass or become infrequent. The...
22 Nov, 2018Advertisement Constipation can be described as having 3 or fewer bowel movements in a single...
12 Nov, 2018Advertisement Norovirus is also known as the winter vomiting bug. It is the commonest cause...
20 Aug, 2018Advertisement Everyone has or at least will experience diarrhea at some point in their life....
16 Jun, 2018Advertisement According to recent surveys 16 percent of all Americans and 33 percent of people...
07 Apr, 2018Advertisement Diarrhea is a condition that occurs when there are three or more loose bowel...
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