10 Low Glycemic Foods

By tallene
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Food #4: Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt has become quite a trend over the past few years and it comes with good reason. With its pudding like texture and slightly tart flavor, Greek yogurt has more protein and fewer carbohydrates and sugar then the traditional yogurt.

With its low carbohydrate amount and high protein content, this makes it a low glycemic index food. In addition, it also increases satiety. Meaning it will keep you feeling full longer. Currently, there are numerous Greek yogurts on the market, and not all can be treated the same. When buying Greek yogurt, search for a nonfat option that is unflavored. This type will have the lowest GI score. If you prefer the flavored one, it is best to flavor the yogurt at home with your own fruit, as the flavored Greek yogurts will certainly have a higher sugar content.

Low Glycemic

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