10 Low Glycemic Foods

By tallene
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Food #3: Vegetables

Vegetables are a great addition to any diet, especially due to their minimal effect on blood glucose sugar levels. Like fruits, not all vegetables are the same. Some vegetables have a significantly lower score than others. Some vegetables with a low GI score include zucchini, spinach, peppers, onions, okra, kale, eggplant, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, and cabbage. The list is quite long for vegetables. All, of the vegetables listed have a GI score of 15 or below.

Most vegetables have a low GI score, which makes grocery shopping easy. The vegetables which have a higher GI score include potatoes and pumpkin, which have a GI score above 70. This does not mean you must eliminate the foods entirely. Simply pairing it with low GI foods, or eating them in small portions, can still allow for stable blood sugar levels.

Low Glycemic

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