10 Filling Low Calorie Foods

By tallene
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Food #10: Tofu

Tofu is made from soy beans and is a very popular food source for vegans and vegetarians. Tofu is very high in protein and low in calories. Tofu is also high in iron, which is important for proper red blood cell production. Anemia, due to low iron in the diet, is the most common cause of anemia. Thus, making sure iron foods are a part of the diet is essential. Especially for non-meat eaters.

In one study that compared tofu and chicken consumption, it was found participants consumed less calories and reported a higher feeling of fullness and satisfaction in comparison to when they ate chicken. This is great news, especially since tofu tends to be lower in calories in comparison to a serving of chicken.

Filling Low-Calorie

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