10 Benefits of Olive Oil

By iliriana
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Benefit #3: Supports Brain Health

One of the health benefits of olive oil is that it supports brain health. The brain is mostly made up of fatty acids and, for this reason, we need a certain level of fat each day to perform daily tasks regularly. However, it is important to get the necessary fat that our brain and body needs from healthy sources, just like olive oil.

Olive oil contains monounsaturated fats that help us improve focus and memory, prevent age-related cognitive decline, help us to get a good night’s sleep, and help fight negative moods including depression. It is well known that low-fat diets are linked to high rates of mood changes, depression, and anxiety. If you want to be healthy, you should live a healthy life and eat healthy foods. Make sure to include olive oil in your diet not just for topping your salads but also for cooking and especially for frying foods. Your brain and the rest of your body will be thankful.

Olive Oil

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