Beets: 10 Benefits of Beets

By tallene
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Beets Benefit #3: Dietary Fiber

Dietary fiber found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes have many health benefits. Interestingly, it is most Americans don’t get their recommended daily intake as its importance is commonly under estimated. It is recommended that adults consume 25 grams (for women) and 38 grams (for men) of dietary fiber daily. Often referred to as roughage or bulk, beets are not usually considered a great source of dietary fiber, however 1 cup of raw beets contains 3.8 grams.

Dietary fiber feeds the friendly gut bacteria, helps normalize bowel movements and decreases the chance of constipation and lowers the risk of hemorrhoid development. Foods high in fiber are nutrient dense, tend to be more filling and can aid in weight loss. Additionally, a diet high in fiber will slow down the absorption of blood sugar and can especially be beneficial for people with Type 2 Diabetes.


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