10 Necrotizing Fasciitis Symptoms
Advertisement Necrotizing fasciitis is a rare and serious bacterial infection. It releases a toxin that...
03 Apr, 2023Advertisement Necrotizing fasciitis is a rare and serious bacterial infection. It releases a toxin that...
03 Apr, 2023Advertisement Blood poisoning is not a formal medical term nor does it have anything to...
28 Feb, 2023Advertisement Coughing is a reflex that helps the body expel germs, mucus, and dust from...
22 Nov, 2022Advertisement Low blood pressure is a common health problem that may or may not be...
10 Nov, 2022Advertisement Necrotizing fasciitis, better known as flesh-eating bacteria, is a rare but serious medical condition...
31 Oct, 2022Advertisement Paresthesia is a condition that causes abnormal sensations in the body, including tingling, burning...
05 Sep, 2022Advertisement Cardiomegaly is the medical term for an enlarged heart. It usually occurs when their...
12 Aug, 2022Advertisement Claudication is the pain a person feels when their legs are getting insufficient amounts...
01 Jul, 2022Advertisement Clogged arteries, also known as atherosclerosis, cause nearly 450,000 deaths per year in America...
13 Jun, 2022Advertisement In its early stages, cellulitis appears as slightly inflamed skin that's pink to red....
24 May, 2022Advertisement Plants have been used for medicinal purposes throughout history. Many herbs are well-known for...
06 May, 2022Advertisement A hemothorax is a relatively common complication after a serious chest trauma where blood...
19 Feb, 2022Advertisement Responsible for the red color of blood, hemoglobin is a protein that carries oxygen...
09 Dec, 2021Advertisement Hemoptysis refers to coughing up or spitting up blood and comes from the Greek...
07 Dec, 2021Advertisement Atrial fibrillation, known as AFib, occurs when the heart's upper chambers, called atria, beat...
19 Nov, 2021Advertisement Giant cell arteritis, also called temporal arteritis, occurs when the lining of a person's...
30 Sep, 2021Advertisement Finding blood in the urine is fairly common and not necessarily an indication of...
01 Jun, 2021Advertisement Blood in the stool can be a disturbing discovery, with several concerning medical conditions...
20 May, 2021Advertisement When a person has an infection in the body, sepsis may result from the...
17 Jan, 2021Advertisement Despite all the threats around us, most of us will not get ill often....
24 Oct, 2020Advertisement Our top ribs are located just beneath the collar bone. There is a narrow...
12 Oct, 2020Advertisement Dyslipidemia is a medical term for abnormal levels of blood lipids. It is closely...
17 Sep, 2020Advertisement Our bodies are constantly producing proteins and other molecules that we need for our...
02 Sep, 2020Advertisement It is very important to keep our lungs and the rest of our respiratory...
28 Aug, 2020Advertisement When we eat, we take in a small volume of toxins. Our bodies will...
24 Aug, 2020Advertisement We are often told of the need to live as healthy a lifestyle as...
13 Aug, 2020Advertisement When we cut ourselves, our blood will clot together to form a type of...
26 Jul, 2020Advertisement Our hearts are one of our most valuable organs in that, without them, we...
12 Jul, 2020Advertisement Our health is constantly under threat from tiny invaders that can make us very,...
08 Jul, 2020Advertisement Everybody has a circulatory system that carries erythrocytes throughout the body. This is the...
07 Jul, 2020Advertisement If we cut ourselves, we give pathogens a way to get inside the body...
07 Jul, 2020Advertisement All parts of the body need a constant supply of blood. The oxygen that...
26 Jun, 2020Advertisement Our blood carries essential supplies around the body to where they are needed. While...
13 Jun, 2020Advertisement If you cut yourself on any part of the body then you will find...
13 Jun, 2020Advertisement Klippel Trenaunay syndrome (KTS) is a rare condition that can be either present at...
31 May, 2020Advertisement The thoracic outlet is a part of the body that is located between your...
22 May, 2020Advertisement It is almost impossible for us to avoid picking up injuries, although the vast...
06 May, 2020Advertisement Ischemia is a term that describes restriction of blood supply to tissues resulting in...
19 Mar, 2020Advertisement The term “hypercapnia” can be defined as abnormal elevation of carbon dioxide levels in...
15 Mar, 2020Advertisement Ideally, blood flows through the body supplying oxygen, nutrients, and actively removing toxins from...
04 Mar, 2020Advertisement Our blood is liquid in nature. When a portion of it changes from liquid...
02 Mar, 2020Advertisement During the cold winter months, we will often find ourselves coming in from the...
18 Jan, 2020Advertisement Phlebitis is a condition in which a patient’s vein becomes inflamed. This can cause...
14 Jan, 2020Advertisement Our red blood cells perform a vital role in our body, allowing our blood...
01 Jan, 2020Advertisement Internal bleeding can be described as a hemorrhage from a blood vessel that is...
24 Nov, 2019Advertisement Sepsis is a serious and potentially life-threatening complication of an infection. It is caused...
15 Aug, 2019Advertisement POTS, or Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, is a disorder of the blood flow. It...
30 Jul, 2019Advertisement Our muscles are found in groups that are known as compartments. These compartments are...
19 Jul, 2019Advertisement Heart pain or chest pain refers to pain that occurs in the region of...
14 Jul, 2019Advertisement Bleeding is a problem that all of us can face from time to time....
08 Jul, 2019Advertisement Orthostatic hypotension, or postural hypotension, describes the condition where an individual’s blood pressure falls...
07 Jul, 2019Advertisement Donating blood is a kind act that takes little effort from the donor, but...
28 Jun, 2019Advertisement Atherosclerosis, which is also sometimes referred to by the name arteriosclerosis or simply ‘a...
27 Jun, 2019Advertisement Aplastic anemia is a rare condition affecting the bone marrow and the hematopoietic stem...
23 Jun, 2019Advertisement An aortic aneurysm is a condition where there is a dilation or enlargement of...
21 Jun, 2019Advertisement Our bodies need oxygen. We need it 24/7, and our lungs and hearts are...
11 Jun, 2019Advertisement If a pathogen is able to get into the body, it will usually be...
21 May, 2019Advertisement The clotting of blood is a normal part of good health. If our blood...
20 Apr, 2019Advertisement Sickle cell anemia is a genetic disorder that results in the mutation of a...
09 Apr, 2019Advertisement Sepsis is a condition characterized by organ dysfunction associated with an abnormal response towards...
07 Apr, 2019Advertisement Sepsis is a very serious condition that is commonly caused by bacteria. This syndrome...
06 Apr, 2019Advertisement Infections are not uncommon but they will usually clear up before too long. Our...
20 Mar, 2019Advertisement Blood flows throughout the body to deliver oxygen and nutrients to all tissues and...
29 Oct, 2018Advertisement Our circulatory system contains vessels that are constantly carrying blood throughout our bodies. Usually,...
24 Oct, 2018Advertisement Our immune system boasts an impressive array of defenses against infection and disease. Whenever...
24 Oct, 2018Advertisement Pernicious anemia is an autoimmune condition where the body is unable to make enough...
16 Oct, 2018Advertisement A blood clot forms when blood cells coagulate into a gel-like mass. This usually...
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