10 Foods High in Zinc

By james
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. https://www.weightlossresources.co.uk/calories-in-food/veg/mushrooms.htm
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Zinc Rich Food #9: Spinach

Although spinach belongs firmly in the vegetable category, it is deserving of a mention on its own. Spinach is considered by many to be the king of all foods and is among the most nutrient-rich food there is. Packed with important vitamins and minerals it is also a good source of zinc and is also versatile enough to be cooked in a wide variety of dishes.

Spinach is also often considered to be a superfood because it is thought to help decrease the risk of heart disease, cancer and a range of other conditions. It is also low in calories which helps to make it ideal for people that are on a weight loss diet.


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