Top 10 Fish Oil Benefits

By nigel
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Fish Oil Benefits #2: Improves Immune Function

It’s been widely reported that omega-3 fatty acids enhance immune function. They do this by enhancing the functioning of immune cells. Some may find this contradictory with the fact that omega-3 fatty acids are potent anti-inflammatory agents, because inflammation is the immune system’s natural response when it detects pathogens or unhealthy conditions. However, fish oil actually increases the function of B cells - some of the attack cells that the immune system uses to fight off viruses or bacteria.

Scientists have known for a while that omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce disease systems, but they weren’t sure if that was actually good for the immune system or not. A study done at Michigan State University confirmed that fish oil high in DHA helped the body activate B cells and improved the production of antibodies.

Fish Oil

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