Top 10 Fish Oil Benefits

By nigel
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Fish Oil Benefits #1: Improves Skin & Hair Health

Fish oil has proven to be a very effective agent for improving the health of both skin and hair. There are a few ways that it can do this.

  1. The skin is naturally oily. Oil is one of the things that keeps our skin looking healthy, young, and shiny - which means that we need a good source of healthy oil in our diet to maintain the health of our skin.
  2. Many of the vitamins that are helpful for keeping the skin in good condition are fat-soluble. If you don’t have a good intake of polyunsaturated fats, these nutrients will pass through your body before they’re absorbed.
  3. Fish oil has been shown to reduce the growth of wrinkles, which can keep people looking youthful.

It’s also been shown that omega-3 deficiencies can lead to problems with hair, such as dandruff and early baldness or hair thinning. This is because oil helps the skin and hair retain moisture; without this oil the scalp will dry out and become unhealthy. So if you’d like to keep healthy looking hair, try some fish oil!

Fish Oil

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