Top 10 Fish Oil Benefits

By nigel
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Fish Oil Benefits #6: Reduces Cardiovascular Disease

Fish oil has been proven to be very efficient at helping people suffering from a variety of cardiovascular diseases.

People who have suffered heart attacks may find significant improvement from taking omega-3 fatty acids. People who supplemented with fish oil after having a heart attack showed a significant improvement to the general function of their hearts in the months following. Omega-3 fatty acids are also commonly purported to reduce cholesterol. This isn’t actually true, but they are very capable of reducing the level of triglycerides present in the body6

Omega-3 fatty acids may also great at improving blood circulation, thus allowing more oxygen to travel through the body. This allows for better function of muscles and organs. Triglycerides are notorious for increasing the risk of heart disease - high triglyceride levels are one of the main reasons that Americans are generally considered to be at higher risk for developing heart disease.

Fish Oil

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