10 Benefits of Goji Berries

By tallene
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Goji Berries Benefit #4: Eyesight

Goji berries contain the carotenoids zeaxanthin and beta-carotene, with higher concentrations of the former. Zeaxanthin is a xanthophyll, an oxygenated carotenoid with antioxidant and blue light–absorbing properties. Since zeaxanthin is concentrated within the central macula of the human retina, goji berries have perceived benefits for eyesight.

Zeaxanthin, like other carotenoids, can protect the eyes against light-induced damage, cataract development, and age-related macular degeneration (ARMD). ARMD leads to gradually blurring vision, making it harder to read, write, recognize faces, and drive. Although zeaxanthin is found in many vegetables and fruits at low levels, goji berries are the best-known natural source.

Goji Berries

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