10 Benefits of Gaba

By nigel
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Gaba Benefit #4: Helps Manage PMS

Premenstrual syndrome, also known as PMS, is a collection of symptoms that can affect women before the start of their menstrual cycle. Issues can include mood swings, fatigue, cravings for food, and general disease.

Studies have revealed that many of these symptoms are actually caused by a disruption of the body’s Gaba system. Towards the end of the cycle, Gaba levels are often depleted, and women may be more prone to anxiety and depression.

That’s why increasing levels of Gaba can be useful in helping to improve symptoms of PMS. It has been suggested that Gaba can have a positive impact even on some of the physical symptoms of PMS, such as cramping. Chaste berry and magnesium are two other natural remedies that can be useful for helping women manage symptoms of PMS.


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