What Is Sun Poisoning?

By boone
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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3. Symptoms May Not Show Up Quickly

Despite its ominous name, sun poisoning doesn’t actually poison you. Therefore, you don’t feel the effects as acutely as you would with a regular poison. You are not likely to feel any difference until the damage has already been done. You may not even see a difference in the tone of your exposed skin. Hours later, however, you will definitely notice that something is wrong.

Even though it may only take 15 minutes for a sunburn to occur, different people feel the effects of overexposure to the sun in different ways. Some people may notice that their skin is getting pinker as soon as it happens. Others may not see a visible difference until hours after they’ve gone back inside. Because a lot of sun damage happens under the surface of the skin, it may take it a while for symptoms to appear.

Sun Poisoning

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