What Is Sun Poisoning?

By boone
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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10. Untreated Sun Poisoning Can Lead to Complications

As with any condition, you need to take sun poisoning symptoms seriously. Ignoring symptoms does not make them magically disappear. In fact, in many cases, it could worsen your condition. For example, chronic dehydration can lead to many other problems. Everything your body does requires water. When you are dehydrated, your body’s ability to regulate its temperature and function normally is compromised.

Another problem that can result from untreated sun poisoning is infection, particularly if your burn is severe. Any time the skin is irritated, it is more susceptible than usual to the bacteria in the air or on the surface of your skin. Make sure the affected area is cleaned and monitor it closely so that you can seek medical care if the problem gets worse.

Sun Poisoning

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