What Is Sun Poisoning?

By boone
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
Article Sources Article Sources
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2. There Are Many Symptoms

The most widely known symptom of sunburn is reddened skin. Most people will experience at least a mild sunburn at some point in their lives. Sun poisoning is a severe sunburn that may come with other symptoms. In addition to getting redder, you may notice blisters on your skin, particularly if you get a sunburn while you are in water.

You may have sun poisoning if you feel like you have cold or flu-like symptoms after spending time in the sun. Nausea, headache, dizziness, pain and even fever and chills can result from overexposure to UV rays. Dehydration is another likely side effect, which can exacerbate the other symptoms. If you feel like you’re getting sick after a day at the beach, you may actually have sun poisoning.

Sun Poisoning

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