Is Watermelon Keto Friendly?

By adam
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2. Understand Keto Flu

When you first start your keto diet, you may notice a lot of symptoms that mimic the flu. Common experiences include nausea, fatigue, muscle cramps, insomnia, lack of concentration and headaches. Most experts agree that there are many possible reasons you feel this way. First, any major change in your diet is likely to produce a withdrawal effect. You could also be dehydrated if you are focused on eating the right things rather than making sure you drink enough water. Sodium intake also gets diminished in the early stages of the diet.

Watermelon adds carbs to your diet, but it also is a great source of water. It can be delicious with a small dash of salt, which helps to resolve your sodium problem. If you focus your carb count on foods like watermelon that have other benefits such as helping you stay hydrated, you can lessen the symptoms of the keto flu and get past it more quickly.


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