10 High Fiber Foods

By tallene
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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High Fiber Food #4: Lentils

Lentils are legumes that originated in the middle east. The most popular dish that these fibrous legumes are used for is lentil soup, which is popular in Indian and Middle Eastern cuisine. Usually boiled, one cup of lentils contains about 15 grams of fiber. Consider cooking up lentil soup and drizzling it with olive oil and balsamic vinegar for a delicious, vegetarian meal. Another easy way to incorporate lentils is by mixing them with bruschetta.

Lentils are high in folate, copper, fiber, phosphorus, manganese, iron and protein. Consumption of lentils has found to be cancer fighting, help blood pressure, lower blood sugar, and cholesterol levels.

High Fiber

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