10 Health Benefits of Jasmine Tea

By iliriana
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Health Benefit #9: Helps Prevent Cancer

As cancer is a condition that has been occurring more often in modern society, the focus on preventing cancer has been increasing. There is some scientific evidence that shows that drinking jasmine tea can help prevent cancer. It does so by targeting the free radicals. The levels of antioxidants in jasmine tea are what helps to eliminate free radicals in the body. Free radicals are caused by pollutants in either our foods or the environment and are what causes the irregularities in cells that have been associated with neurological conditions and cancer.

Depending on what jasmine tea you drink, you will get different kinds of benefits. Jasmine tea that is made with green tea is very high in catechins, while the jasmine tea that is brewed with black tea leaves contains theaflavins.

Jasmine Tea

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