10 Foods High In Estrogen

By tallene
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Estrogen High Food #10: Multigrain Bread

Bread is available in many different varieties. Multigrain bread that contains grains like rye, wheat, barley, and oats has a phytoestrogen known as lignan. Just like lignan in flaxseed, it can help with hormonal imbalance and estrogen levels. Consuming this type of bread not only contains a great amount of phytoestrogen, but it also contains a great amount of fiber. Fiber helps lower cholesterol and maintain good gut health.

Other vitamins and minerals multigrain bread contains is selenium, thiamin, folate, vitamin B-6, calcium, iron, potassium, zinc, and copper. These nutrients have many important health benefits and most importantly, help provide energy as it is low in fat, contains protein, and carbohydrates.


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