10 Coconut Oil Uses

By james
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. https://www.webmd.com/cholesterol-management/guide/hdl-cholesterol-the-good-cholesterol#1
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Coconut Oil Use #9: Reducing Appetite

One of the biggest difficulties in fighting weight loss and, by extension, heart disease is cutting down on eating. If we eat more calories than we burn then the excess gets stored as fat, but it can be very difficult not to eat when we get hungry. Another advantage of coconut oil is that it helps to reduce our appetite.

Coconut oil helps to induce ketosis, which is the metabolism of fats to use as energy. With more energy supplying ketones flowing through our bodies, so we have less of a desire for food. This makes it easier to keep our calorie intake down and, in turn, helps us to lose excess weight.

Coconut Oil

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