10 Foods High in Cholesterol

By katherine
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
Article Sources Article Sources
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6. Sweets

Salty foods are not the only group to stay aware of when it comes to cholesterol. Sweets can often be a source of LDLs, especially processed desserts. Cookies and other processed foods purchased from standard grocery stores typically contain ingredients known to raise LDL levels in the body. What’s more, fresh bakery options are not always a better choice. Any baked good that contains shortening can be rich in bad cholesterol. What’s worse, most of these snacks do not contain any helpful nutrients that can be used to power the body or its functions.

Beyond high levels of LDL, processed desserts are also laden with sugar and can lead to unwanted weight gain. Consuming too many sugary products on a regular basis has been linked to long-term health complications, such as diabetes. Some research has also suggested a connection between high-sugar processed sweets and cognitive issues.


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