10 Foods High in Cholesterol

By katherine
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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4. Cheese

Anyone who loves cheese will be happy to learn that it is considered a sensible option for heart health. In one study, participants were required to eat a diet with more fat than normal while also consuming a certain amount of cheese each day. While eating a fat-rich diet usually causes LDL levels to skyrocket, those who ate cheese did not show any increase in bad cholesterol. When following their normal diets, the addition of cheese also seemed to aid in managing healthy cholesterol levels.

In addition to being useful for maintaining cholesterol levels, cheese is also rich in calcium. The more calcium a person gets in his or her diet, the easier it is to maintain bone strength and integrity. Calcium might also slow or prevent osteoporosis in some individuals. It is important to note that the type of cheese matters. Processed cheese slices are far less healthy than fresh cheese purchased from a charcuterie.


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