10 Candida Diet Foods to Eat
- 1. ND, Eric Bakker. 'Is Fish Oil Good for Yeast Infections', 22 June 2020. Yeastinfection.org, www.yeastinfection.org/is-fish-oil-good-for-yeast-infections.
- 3. Atai, Zahra, et al. 'Inhibitory Effect of Ginger Extract on Candida Albicans.' American Journal of Applied Sciences, vol. 6, no. 6, 2009, pp. 1067–1069., doi:10.3844/ajassp.2009.1067.1069.
- 4. Kolaczkowska, Anna, et al. 'The Antifungal Properties of Chicken Egg Cystatin AgainstCandidayeast Isolates Showing Different Levels of Azole Resistance.' Mycoses, 2009, doi:10.1111/j.1439-0507.2009.01722.x.
9. Garlic
The unmistakable potent smell that comes from garlic is caused by a compound called allicin. This oily substance is released when garlic is crushed or chopped and offers a powerful array of health benefits. Allicin may prohibit the growth of candida fungi in the mouth.
Garlic's properties kill microorganisms and contain strong antibacterial, antifungal and antioxidant properties. Eating raw garlic is a great source of essential nutrients and other antioxidant compounds.