10 Candida Diet Foods to Eat
- 1. ND, Eric Bakker. 'Is Fish Oil Good for Yeast Infections', 22 June 2020. Yeastinfection.org, www.yeastinfection.org/is-fish-oil-good-for-yeast-infections.
- 3. Atai, Zahra, et al. 'Inhibitory Effect of Ginger Extract on Candida Albicans.' American Journal of Applied Sciences, vol. 6, no. 6, 2009, pp. 1067–1069., doi:10.3844/ajassp.2009.1067.1069.
- 4. Kolaczkowska, Anna, et al. 'The Antifungal Properties of Chicken Egg Cystatin AgainstCandidayeast Isolates Showing Different Levels of Azole Resistance.' Mycoses, 2009, doi:10.1111/j.1439-0507.2009.01722.x.
7. Probiotic Yogurt
The gut needs a certain level of healthy bacteria to aid digestion. Probiotics are live microorganisms that are considered good bacteria in the gut. To keep a healthy balance, individuals can add probiotic yogurt to their candida diet.
Eating yogurt is particularly good for preventing more localized candida outbreaks, which present as yeast infections in the vaginal area. Eating yogurt that is unsweetened and rich in probiotics would be a great addition to the Candida diet. Kefir is also a rich probiotic food.