Melena Stool Definition, Causes and More
Advertisement When there's a change in bowel habits and a noticeable difference in stools, it...
12 Dec, 2022Advertisement When there's a change in bowel habits and a noticeable difference in stools, it...
12 Dec, 2022Advertisement Parasitic worms, also called intestinal worms, are broadly classified into two types: helminths, which...
13 Oct, 2022Advertisement Urine typically has a mild odor. The odor may vary slightly, depending on factors...
26 Sep, 2021Advertisement People are prone to developing all sorts of ailments. Sometimes this is down to...
03 Jan, 2021Advertisement Any fluids that we swallow are gradually absorbed by our digestive system, while fluids...
22 Dec, 2020Advertisement Normal human stool is excreted in a variety of colors, most of which can...
18 Sep, 2020Advertisement We’ve all been there. We’re in an elevator or another confined space with other...
04 Jul, 2020Advertisement Our poop is usually a shade of brown, although the shade, and consistency, can...
05 May, 2020Advertisement Diarrhea occurs when one experiences three or more bowel movements that are watery, liquid,...
11 Nov, 2019Advertisement The foods that we eat and drink, particularly carbonated drinks, will cause a buildup...
02 Nov, 2019Advertisement Urine is made as our kidneys filter toxins and other impurities from our blood....
25 Oct, 2019Advertisement Hemorrhoids, which are also commonly known as piles, are a lot more common than...
17 Jul, 2019Advertisement Flatulence is a common problem that affects all of us at some point. It...
17 Jul, 2019Advertisement Laxatives are substances that increase bowel movements and loosen stools. They are often used...
07 Jul, 2019Advertisement Constipation happens to everyone at some point and it can recur. Some people even...
26 Jun, 2019Advertisement Diuretics are a class of medications that promote the production of urine. There are...
16 Jun, 2019Advertisement Everyone has or at least will experience diarrhea at some point in their life....
16 Jun, 2018Advertisement Diarrhea is a condition that occurs when there are three or more loose bowel...
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