What Is C. diff?

By jolene
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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8. Complications of C. Diff Infections

In C. diff infections, some of the complications that may occur include renal failure, dehydration (die to diarrhea), shock (due to severe dehydration), bowel perforation (because of severe damage to the intestinal lining), peritonitis (from bowel perforation), toxic megacolon (where the individual is unable to expel stool and gas causing it to distend and increase the possibility of rupture), and death (due to various complications).

It is also estimated that about 20% of patients experience recurrent infection. There is also the issue of resistance to antibiotics. Healthcare providers should avoid prescribing antibiotics and, when necessary, choose the simplest and most narrowly focused drug. Patients can also contribute by not demanding to have an antibiotic prescription for every possible infection.

C. diff

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