What Is C. diff?

By jolene
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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10. Prevention

C. diff can be prevented by stopping the spread from healthcare facilities such as nursing homes and hospitals. Strict infection control guidelines should be followed. This includes avoiding the unnecessary use of antibiotics. Since most illnesses are caused by viruses, it is best to observe before taking antibiotics. Those who must take antibiotics should be given one that has a narrow range so it does not interfere as much with the balance of bacteria in the gut.

Handwashing is the cornerstone of prevention. Good hand hygiene before and after providing patient care is crucial. Soap and warm water is required during a C. diff outbreak as alcohol-based hand sanitizers do not destroy C. diff spores. Patients who have a C. diff infection should have their own room or share a room with another patient who also has the infection. Disposable gloves and gowns should be worn when caring for these patients. All surfaces should be disinfected using bleach.

C. diff

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