What Is C. diff?
5. Signs and Symptoms
In a C. diff infection, patients can experience symptoms ranging from a mild case of diarrhea to severe life-threatening inflammation in the colon. Diarrhea can be defined as having 3 or more loose stools per 24 hours. A clinical prediction rule used in adults for suspecting a C. diff infection is to establish if there is recent antibiotic use, significant diarrhea, fever, abdominal pain, and a distinctive odor to the stool that has been said to resemble horse manure.
In the pediatric population, the most common symptom is watery diarrhea, appetite loss, fever, abdominal pain, and nausea. In severe cases, the inflammation of the colon can result in having no bowel movements. Some patients may exhibit symptoms of shock (low blood pressure, tachycardia) and dehydration.