What Is C. diff?

By jolene
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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6. Diagnosis

The first line diagnostic approach is to perform stool testing for the C. diff toxins (toxin A and toxin B). However, this test is not 100% accurate. Toxigenic culture is a test where the organism is cultured on a media to test for the production of toxins. Although the gold standard, it is a labor-intensive and time-consuming test. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test for toxin A and B can also be performed.

Other tests include a polymerase chain reaction and glutamate dehydrogenase test (in combination with the enzyme immunoassay test). Testing can become difficult if the stools are not watery or loose. An examination of the colon (colonoscopy or flexible sigmoidoscopy) can also be performed. Imaging such as a computed tomography (CT) scan and abdominal x-ray can also be beneficial.

C. diff

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