What Is Angina?

By kara
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6. What Are the Treatment Options?

The medical treatments for angina are vast and dependent on your specific diagnosis. Typically, a doctor will recommend and prescribe medication. Any of the following prescriptions may be used to treat the symptoms of angina: aspirin, nitrates, clot-preventing drugs, statins, beta-blockers, Ranolazine, blood pressure-lowering medications or calcium channel blockers.

While medicines in combination with positive lifestyle changes are effective for treating stable angina, other severe forms of angina may require surgical intervention. There are two procedures proven to be the most effective for correcting angina defects: (1) angioplasty and stenting and (2) coronary artery bypass.

During the procedure for angioplasty and stenting, a small balloon is inserted into the narrowed artery. Then, the balloon is inflated to widen the artery, allowing room for a stent to be placed. Once in place, the stent allows for greater blood flow, which can reduce or eliminate angina.

Coronary artery bypass is a more invasive and comprehensive surgery option. During the procedure, a vein or artery is secured from somewhere else in the body. The vein is then used to bypass the blocked or narrowed heart artery. The end result is reduced or eliminated angina.


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