What Is Angina?
5. Are There Different Types of Angina?
Angina is a blanket term used to describe patients who experience pain because of reduced blood flow to the heart muscle. However, there are three forms of angina pain: (1) stable, (2) unstable and (3) variant.
Stable angina is the most common form of angina pain and is the least life-threatening. It usually occurs during times of exertion, like when exercising or climbing stairs, and it typically comes in short bursts. This form of angina is typically predictable and easily controlled with medications.
Unstable angina is more dangerous and often requires medical attention. This pain is unpredictable and can occur even at rest. Unlike stable angina attacks that only last a few minutes, unstable angina attacks can last upwards of 30 minutes or more. Also, medications are not as effective with this form.
Variant or Prinzmetal’s angina usually occurs while resting. While attacks vary with other forms of angina, this form is often severe. However, unlike unstable angina, it is generally relieved with medication.