10 Side Effects of ACE Inhibitors

By jolene
Reviewed: Dr. Mera
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Side Effect #2: Cough

A cough is a protective and repetitive reflex that helps to clear the airways from microbes, irritants, fluids, and foreign particles. There are three phases of a cough: inhalation, forced exhalation, and release of air from the lungs. Frequent coughing may indicate underlying disease.

From an evolutionary perspective, many pathogens benefit by causing the host to cough as it helps the spread of disease to other potential hosts. Some causes of a cough include gastroesophageal reflux disease, respiratory tract infection, post-nasal drip, lung tumors, and medications such as ACE inhibitors. A cough due to ACE inhibitors is believed to be due to the increased bradykinin levels produced by the medication.

Ace Inhibitors

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