10 Low Carb Snacks

By tallene
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Snack #5: Strawberries

Berries tend to be low carbohydrate, and strawberries have one of the lowest carbohydrate contents in the berry family. In one cup of strawberries there are roughly 8 grams of carbs, cut that into a half cup and you’ll be able to narrow it down to just 4 grams and still be able to enjoy its great taste as well as reap the benefits of its numerous vitamins and minerals.

Strawberries are great because they can be easily incorporated into the diet. In addition, the fruit is high in vitamin C, folate, manganese, potassium, and fiber. Its vitamin C content is especially impressive. In just a ½ cup of strawberries, one can fulfill 80% of the daily value of the vitamin.

Low Carb Snacks

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