10 Low Carb Snacks

By tallene
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Snack #4: Celery

Celery is a great low carbohydrate snack that is low in calories in addition to being vitamin rich. One cup of chopped celery yields just 16 calories and 3 grams of carbohydrates, and 1.6 grams of fiber. This means 50% of the vegetable’s carbs are from fiber. It is also important to note that only 45% of the population consumes the recommended amount of fiber. Thus, incorporating it into the diet as often as possible is very important.

Celery is also great because it can be paired with numerous spreads to add flavor. Celery and peanut butter is a very popular option, as is celery and hummus. Regardless of the pairing, either spread will keep the snack at a low carbohydrate amount.

Low Carb Snacks

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