10 Low Carb Snacks

By tallene
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Snack #2: Pecans

Pecans are a great snack. In general, nuts are fairly low carbohydrate and filled with healthy fats; however, consuming too much mindlessly can cause the carbohydrate amount to add up. For instance, pecans have a higher calorie content, so should be consumed with caution. Pecans are one of the lower carbohydrate nuts. In a half cup of pecans, there are 7.5 grams of carbohydrates; however, 5 of those grams come from fiber.

A great thing about nuts as snacks is that no preparation is required, and they can also be incorporated into meals as well. For instance, throw some pecans into a salad, or pair with a low carbohydrate vegetable or fruit.

Low Carb Snacks

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