10 Iodine Deficiency Symptoms

By albert
Reviewed: Dr. Mera
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Symptom #3: Swollen Neck

Low iodine levels can also lead to goiter. This is a condition which involves swelling in the front part of the neck. Fortunately, this condition is treatable by consuming food rich in iodine or iodine supplements. However, if the goiter has been left unattended for long, the damage may be irreversible and you may need to undergo surgery. Although goiters are normally not harmful, treatment depends on the type and size of the swelling.

It is not easy to easy to recognize goiter in its initial stages. However, if you experience tightness when coughing, difficulty when swallowing, or an overly high-pitched voice, you may need to eat foods rich in iodine. You should also check with a doctor about your iodine levels.

Iodine Deficiency

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