10 High Protein Vegetables

By albert
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High Protein Vegetable #8: Asparagus

Asparagus is a rich source of the amino acid asparagine, hence the name asparagus. Asparagus is used in various types of dishes. Many people prefer roasted or grilled asparagus spears, but asparagus may also be sautéed or even eaten raw. But do you know that asparagus contains a significant amount of protein?

One cup of cooked asparagus, weighing about 180 grams, contains 4.3 grams of protein. This means that including asparagus in your meals can provide some of the protein that your body requires. Asparagus also contains other nutrients that help maintain and promote your health. These include fiber, vitamins A, C, E, K, folate, and minerals like calcium, copper and iron.

High Protein

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