10 Diarrhea Remedies

By jolene
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2211335516301449
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Diarrhea Remedy #4: Bismuth Compounds

One of the most effective treatment for traveler’s diarrhea is bismuth salicylate. Although unclear how it works, it is thought to have antibiotic-like properties that could affect the bacteria causing diarrhea. The salicylate is anti-inflammatory. Both the salicylate and bismuth could reduce fluid secretion in the intestine. It is a well-tolerated compound that has minor side effects such as darkening of the stool and tongue.

However, this should be avoided in those allergic to aspirin and should not be used with other medications that contain aspirin. It can increase bleeding in those taking anti-coagulants, aggravate ulcers, should not be given to children and teenagers who may have viral infection, and should not be given to anyone under the age of 2 years old.


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