10 Benefits of Inositol

By tallene
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Inositol Benefit #9: Lithium Induced Psoriasis

Lithium carbonate is widely used for long-term treatment for those with bipolar disorder, but it comes with a price, which is exacerbated psoriasis. It can become a major problem for patients who take lithium as treatment. Inositol in the body is depleted by the lithium taken by those with bipolar disorder, however inositol supplementation has shown to improve symptoms of psoriasis.

One study showed that fifteen patients who had psoriasis took lithium to treat bipolar disorder. The effect of inositol supplementation on their psoriasis was evaluated. The inositol was significantly beneficial for the patients. This study concluded that the use of inositol was worth considering for people with psoriasis who need to continue to take lithium for bipolar disorders.


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