10 Benefits of Inositol

By tallene
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Inositol Benefit #7: Panic Attacks

One study compared the effects of inositol to fluvoxamine, a common antidepressant used to treat panic disorders. There were twenty patients in the study and each of them had panic attacks consistently. They took 18 g of inositol every day for one month, and then took 150 mg of fluvoxamine for another month.

The study showed that inositol decreased the number of weekly panic attacks by four, while the fluvoxamine only reduced the panic attacks by two. Inositol did not show to have any side effects, while the other antidepressant caused patients to feel nauseous or lethargic. Another study on twenty participants with panic disorders who took 12 g of inositol daily for a month showed significantly reduced frequency of panic attacks and hardly any side effects.


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