10 Benefits of Eggs

By tallene
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Eggs Benefit #3: Regulates Your Mood

The best way to get B12 is through natural food sources whenever possible. Naturally, vitamin B12 is present in animal products including eggs. Considering that B12 plays a role in nerve growth and brain cells, it makes sense to link the vitamin to mood regulation. B12 produces brain chemicals responsible for better mood – and this can help treat depression, stress, and other anxiety disorders. This is why one of the symptoms of B12 deficiency involves mood swings.

In fact, B12 deficiency is quite common amongst patients diagnosed with clinical depression. While not getting enough vitamin B12 can lead to depression, supplementation can help balance the hormones and allow neurons to function properly once again. Mood and brain functionality go hand-in-hand. A nourished brain is more likely to feel positive emotions than a malnourished one.


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