Tag: foot

10 Babinski Reflex FAQs

A new parent may stumble upon an interesting fact: many newborns respond to the sole...

10 Swollen Ankles Symptoms

Ankle swelling is a common condition in older people, during pregnancy and after long periods...

10 Hammer Toe Symptoms

Hammertoe is a foot deformity caused by an imbalance in the foot muscles that usually...

10 Charcot Foot Symptoms

Charcot foot is a complication of diabetes that involves the progressive weakening of the bones...

What Causes Leg Cramps?

Sudden, sharp pain in your legs can be difficult to understand and may seem unavoidable....

10 Causes of Hammer Toe

A hammer toe is a deformity that most commonly affects the lesser toes (it does...

10 Broken Toe Symptoms

Toes are important for maintaining balance, walking, and running, but you probably take them for...

10 Causes of Leg Cramps

Cramps occur when there is a sudden muscle contraction that is involuntary, causing pain and...

10 Causes of Foot Cramps

Foot cramps are fairly common and can be severely painful. Individuals who experience foot cramps...

10 Causes of Calf Cramps

A cramp refers to an involuntary and sudden muscle contraction, which can cause significant pain...

10 Causes of Heel Pain

Walking can be hard work. Long walks, in particular, can be tiring and our feet...

10 Heel Spur Symptoms

Heel spurs stem from calcium deposits that cause a small spot on the underside of...

10 Causes of Swollen Feet

The feet are an important part of your body required for mobility (standing, walking, and...

10 Swollen Feet Remedies

Swelling of the feet is a fairly common problem, especially among the older population. It...

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