What Is Lymphoma?

By jolene
Reviewed: Dr. Mera
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6. Signs and Symptoms

Lymphoma can be present with vague and nonspecific symptoms. The most characteristic presentation of patients with lymphoma is generalized painless lymphadenopathy. This means that the lymph nodes are swollen or abnormal in consistency. Lymphadenopathy is mostly seen in Non-Hodgkin lymphomas, but can also be see in HL. However, it is a nonspecific sign that can also be seen in various other conditions.

Furthermore, some lymphomas express as a nodal mass or extra nodal masses (i.e. cutaneous masses). Other symptoms include B symptoms (systemic symptoms) such as fever and chills, weight loss (unintentional loss of more than 10% of the total body weight over a duration of 6 months or less), and night sweats (drenching sweats at night). B symptoms are more common in Hodgkin lymphoma, which affects mostly young adults. Other symptoms of lymphoma include fatigue, loss of appetite, and shortness of breath.


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