What Is BPV?

By kyle
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9. Do You Need Treatment for BPV?

Sometimes BPV will go away on its own. If you are having an acute episode, you can do some things to mitigate the symptoms. You can avoid bending over to help reduce the stimulation of your inner ears. You can also sit up on the side of the bed for a while when you wake up in the morning, and take your time when you lift your head from the pillow. One thing that helps some people is to place two pillows under their heads when sleeping. If you know which ear is causing vertigo, you can reduce symptoms by sleeping on the other side. When staying up at night, it helps to keep your home well-lit.

If your symptoms do not go away or they are severe enough that you are at risk of falling over when you are standing or walking, it could be a more serious issue. At this point, you should seek treatment from a medical professional.

In rare cases, the calcium crystals will continue to move into the ear canal even when they have been cleared out once before. When this happens, surgery may be required to block off part of the inner ear to keep the crystals out. Typically, however, you can get a doctor to coach you in a series of movements. One of these is called the Semont maneuver, and another more popular one is known as the Epley maneuver. If either of these maneuvers is done correctly, the result will be that the crystals are shifted to a position where they will no longer interfere with the balancing mechanisms of your inner ears.


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