What Is BPV?

By kyle
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6. What Role Does the Inner Ear Play in Balance?

The inner ear is arranged in a complex and delicate way and is the part of the body that allows people to maintain a sense of positioning. If it were not for the inner ears, humans would not be able to maintain the balance necessary to stand up and walk around. The main part of the inner ear that affects balance is called the vestibular system. The vestibular system contains small sensory cells that are triggered when you move your head, sending signals through the vestibular nerve and to your brain.

When you spin around a lot and stop, the reason your head feels like it is still spinning is that the nerves in your vestibular system will keep activating for a while. Because of the precise arrangement of all of these small parts, even a slight disturbance of the inner ear can lead to problems of balance or vertigo. The treatment of inner-ear issues depends on what exactly is affecting the inner ear.


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